ERROR: The navigation buttons and header require JavaScript to load and function.

About This Website

This website was started in early 2017. I'd made the blueprints for the site on paper, However, lacking the skill to code, I found myself having to take a basic HTML class. I started to make my site with 100% HTML, but eventually, I started to get sick of the limitations of HTML, So I had to learn CSS and JavaScript. This site is by far my greatest accomplishment. This site was originally made for my YouTube Channel, but then grew into a blog and a place for me to put my programming and other various projects.

In late august 2019, the site underwent a massive redesign. The whole site’s code was almost completely overhauled, so now the site uses more modern web design techniques, because prior to this I was using tables instead of divs to organize the website, and it was a pain to have to go through every file to update something that was consistent across the whole site. With this new redesign comes better compatibility with mobile devices.

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Website best viewed on Google Chrome Desktop.

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Credits & Acknowledgments

Dispite specific credits being given on the spot when applicable, here are some general ones that apply site-wide.

  • Thanks to simple icons for the SVG icons of popular brands that I used in the quick links. Your helpful collection allows me to not have to dig in inspect element for the SVG icons of places like reddit.
  • Thanks to GitHub for basically giving me a free server to host my website's code on. Your service gives people like me who can't afford a server to run a website a chance do discover languages like HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • Thanks to SheepTester for being my friend. Without his help and knowlege in web programming, I would not have learned HTML, CSS, and JS anywhere near as fast as I did, and I would have to spend twice the hours hunting for answers on Stack Overflow because of a stupid bug that I was too stupid to catch than I already do even with his help.
  • Thanks to Jesse Couch for the hamburger-to-x CSS animation.